- 電話番号
- 03-5777-8600
- 郵便番号
- 〒1108718
- 住所
7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
東京都台東区上野公園 7-20 国立科学博物館
- 決済手段
- 現金, クレジットカード, ICカード
- おすすめの季節
- January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- 営業時間
火曜日・水曜日・木曜日・日曜日 : 09:00~17:00 金曜日・土曜日 : 09:00~20:00
※年末年始(12月28日~1月1日) - 定休日
- 入場料
JPY630 / 大人
5 out of 5 stars
The national museum of nature and science is made up of two main galleries. The Japan gallery is a great way to learn about the nature and history of the Japanese islands along with how Japanese people and their culture has evolved throughout the years. The global gallery showcases Japanese inventions and their progress in science & technology. Next to the biodiversity exhibition, there is an exhibition on the evolution of dinosaurs which I found quite interesting as it has real dinosaur fossils. The building and its exhibits are up-to-date and very well maintained.
Expect to spend a few hours at this museum.